Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thank goodness it's thursday!

I'm so glad that it's thurs and I'm not even sure why. LOL It has been a busy week. Jonathon made his first holy communion on Sunday.
I had a little time to play today. And I was waiting on the barbella stamp to make this card.
For those of you that don't know I joined Curves the first of the year. I had finally gotten tired of being "FAT"! And I decided that it was time for a big New year's resolution and that was to loose the weight. So, off I went to try curves. And I have made it faithfully three times a week since Jan. But the best thing is that the people there really help support you. So, I made this for one of the workers who always has positive reinforcement for me, especially during weigh in and measuring day. Sometimes you just have to let people know how important and special they are! P.S. Right now I'm stuck in a rut and can't loose the weight. I look at it this least I'm not regaining it.

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